Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Time is nothing to HIM"

Blacklight is dead. None of this was necessary after all. I do not see the point of it. I just... do not see it.

Why follow him here? Ridley and the others could have taken him, should have been able to take him. And yet...

The Players

Dr. Balthasar von Abendroth

Julia "Arpeggio" Anderson

Marcus "Cadence" Anderson

Glorianna "Glory" Chapman

Ridley Chapman

Alejandro "Iscariot" Coronado

Benjamin Cross - deceased

Ambrose Cutler

James "Legacy" Donwald - deceased

Justin "Sullivan" Drake aka "Blacklight" - deceased

Roosevelt "Othello" Gordon - unimportant to final affairs

Roger Hazendorf

Olivia "Scarlet" Masters - deceased

Brianna Norwood - unimportant to final affairs

Tyler Reese - unimportant to final affairs

Mark "Zeon" Rider - deceased

Justin Ross - deceased

Madison Ross - deceased

Giuliano Salieri - ________

Jacob "Roulette" Smith - deceased

Jonathon "Lucifer" Sprint - deceased

Matthew Striker - unimportant to final affairs

James "Gatsby" Turner - deceased

Osbourne "PRIEST" Wilson - deceased

Something is wrong.
I think it is Time. After so long, it is finally time.

See you all next time.

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